So, I made it through Don’t Look Up. Without doubt one of the most polarising movies of recent times. And I can see why. It’s both ridiculous and unbelievable, whilst being too real and depressingly accurate all at the same time.
But yeah I’m not really a fan. For a number of reasons. Firstly, for a movie about astronomy there were way too many clear skies.
The odds of being out driving, looking up and seeing a comet? Ironically, they’re astronomical. 😛
I understand that satire, in order to be effective and funny, needs exaggeration. But it needs to be done carefully, and in DLU it’s just sloppy. It’s a lot like the first episode of Space Force (I only watched the one episode) in that it doesn’t get the silly/serious ratio right. It feels like it’s appealing to the Lowest Common Denominator too much.
I understand what they were trying to do, and in some respects I think they were successful. But it could have been so much better if it had been written by someone with a more nuanced, dare I say British, sense of humour. This felt like they were smacking the point across our faces like a blunt instrument.
And for many people that’s going to work. But it didn’t for me. Don’t Look Up gets 2 out of 5 overacted clichés.
Maybe you liked the film, that’s great! Feel free to comment about how wrong I am. I won’t read it but you’ll feel much better for it.