Drunky health advice
OK so yes, I’m drunk but also no, I don’t have a big rant about how if we all just loved each other things would be different. Sorry. Get vaccinated.…
OK so yes, I’m drunk but also no, I don’t have a big rant about how if we all just loved each other things would be different. Sorry. Get vaccinated.…
I drinkey drank drunk the wine again! Woooooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the world is amaaazing again! Because walking is hard, but it shouldn’t be, which is HILARIOUS!!! The world is also a…
Hello people. This may come as a complete surprise and thing. But I’m a bit drunk. Like all the drunk. But that’s because of wine. Yeah so anyway there’s a…
OK. So. I got some news for you. It’s a Saturday night… and I’m not drunk. Nope. Stone Cold Steve Sober. Went through half a bottle last night during an…
Hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!! Drunk Ed here, ready to offer up some boozy words of wisdom and ramble on about The Things. This might be a long one, folks. And it deals…
OK, so here goes. Yes, I have some strong opinions on what has been done, what should have been done, what is being done and what should be done in…
I loosened my belt. Gotta let things breathe. You’ve probably guessed already that I’m drunk a bit. But only abottle. So like most Lockdown Saturdays. That’s what they’re called now.…
So! I drinked! I played the games! I hanged with the friends! And Josh said: I look forward to the post! But I have nothing to post. What can I…
We’re not quite locked down…. sorry Sydney. But guess what! I still did the drinky thing! That’s because my man, my mate, my buddy from another whatsit, my friend Dave…
I’m drunk, I’m in lockdown, and it’s June! What’s that mean? Means I’m having trouble walking straight, and loving it. Means there’s an oppressive weight of apathy and ennui sitting…