I’m drunk, I’m in lockdown, and it’s June!
What’s that mean? Means I’m having trouble walking straight, and loving it. Means there’s an oppressive weight of apathy and ennui sitting right up the back of my mind, lurking, waiting to engorge itself and temporarily send me spiralling into a funk. But June, means PRIDE!
At least in America it does. In Australia it’s more October. But becuase America tends to dominate Western culture, there’s pride everywhere on social media. So what’s Pride? Pride is a celebration and a protest. Celebration of our indivituality, our diversity of sexualities and genders. But it’s also a protest, against oppression and invisibility and discrimination. Emerging from the Stonewall Riots in 1969, it’s a battle for recognition and rights, and a revelry of fabulousness.
And it occurs to me, I’ve never really been all that ‘out’. I mean I’ve never hidden who I am, but I’ve also never made a big deal of it. So here ya go: I’m bi. I’m a bisexual sorta-poly cis male in an amazing, wonderful monogamous relationship with a cis woman. There ya go. Now ya know. I like boy bits and girl bits. I like boobs. I like dicks. I like butts. I like vaginas. I like… all the things, y’know? Not so much feet. Soz foot fetishishists, not my thing. More power to ya, though – you do you. Or other people, if they consent.
So why we gotta ‘come out’? Well, welcome to the privelidge of being a bi dude dating a lady – you don’t! If you’re in an opposite-sex relationship nobody need know you’re bi. And that’s the thing. Because everyone sees “man and woman” they assume we’re straight. And unless you happen to know my sexual history, you wouldn’t know any better. And then people split the world into Straight or Gay. Dunno what my point was here. But anyway, point is if more people who swing both ways acknoledge that, then the more visible we’ll be and we’ll actually have A Place in the cultural dialog.
So now you know. You’ve been told “I’m a bisexual”. You might be wondering “So? What do I care? What am I supposed to do with this information?” And that’s fair. That’s legit. That’s where we are in the cultural narative arc. And the answer is simple: acknowledge it. That’s all. Understand that there are more of your friends and family than you realise that bat for both teams, and that this is a wonderful thing. Seriously, what’s more awesome than seeing someone embrace who they are and want to tell you about it? Nothing, that’s what. Except maybe boobs. And dicks. And… yeah, all the things that aren’t feet.
Anyway, this got a liddle bit sidetracked. Pride. Diversity. Equality. These are all beautiful things and we need to recognise them, celebrate tham and above all FIGHT for them. Use the pronouns that people prefer, and politely pull people up when they don’t use them. Vote against the bigots who try to exclude the LGBTIQA+ community from things that straight people are entitled to: adoption, marriage, anti-bullying programs etc. Vote for parties that will support the queer community. And educate yourself – don’t understand an acronym? Don’t know why LGBTIQA+ are calling for something? Ask them. Google it. Take an interest in a part of our society that is bigger than you realise.
In general, love people. And their bits.
Love chocolate, cheese and wine. Love Miriam Margolyes, Rupaul and Elton John. Love yourself.
Ye gods wine is an amazing thing.