A disjointed sleep, with lots of water-drinking and equally lots of micturition. But I’m actually feeling a bit better than I did yesterday. Certainly the runny/blocked nose is much better. My bedroom floor no longer looks like it did when I was 13.
But it seems the virus has moved down into the chest. While I’m not coughing all that often (possibly because of the cold&flu tablets with cough suppression) my ribs do hurt as if I’ve been coughing really hard. My voice is still croaky.
Have spent the day, as you’d expect, doing a lot of nothing. Have watched another two episodes of Boardwalk Empire, two episodes of The Equalizer, I watched John Oliver’s EPIC take-down of the Monarchy (you must watch it!) and the latest episode of The Circus.
Big thanks to Hamish, Joshua and Ethan The Wombat for the spontaneous online board games tonight! Was fun!
Symptom checker:
Occasional cough – slightly more frequent
Sore chest
Croaky voice
Runny/blocked nose – much reduced
Aching forearms – much reduced
Sore throat – much reduced
Pulse Ox is 95-98%.